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A rant


This is what religion does to little kids! Don't let it happen to you!

For awhile now, people who have converted to some sort of Christianity or other religion, feel like they have been "saved" or are now "rescued". I have been pondering why this is the case.

Humans as a species have a desire to understand the un-comprehendible...to have everything in its right place. Why? It relieves us of the "burden" of thought. Thus the "god-shaped void" that Christians speak of, is merely a desire to understand ones place in the world, how things came to be, the meaning of life, etc. By having faith (a rejection of logic) in God, Jesus, etc. you no longer have to worry or think about these things. Thus, your "completeness" is simply a rejection of your mind. I think it has nothing to do with spirituality...it is all in your head. These feelings are not only felt by Christians, but by anyone who denies rational thought and turns to faith or blind following (whether it be a religion, philosophy, etc.). As cliché as the statement is, ignorance truly is bliss. I hope this didn't come off as being too harsh, but I just wanted to show people reading this what being "saved" really is all about.

Also, on another note regarding anysort of religion in which an after life is granted, it is selfish. It is selfish because people do these good deeds to get into heaven. If there was no reward for doing these good deeds, would they do it? Also, are they really doing the deed (not sinning or the equivlant to sinning in other religions) for other people or themsleves for which they are trying to get into some sort of after life?

"Religions are conclusions for which the facts of nature supply no major premises."

-Ambrose Bierce