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"They say dreaming is dead, no one does it anymore. It's not dead it's just that it's been forgotten, removed from our language. Nobody teaches it so nobody knows it exists. The dreamer is banished to obscurity. Well, I'm trying to change all that, and I hope you are too. By dreaming, every day. Dreaming with our hands and dreaming with our minds. Our planet is facing the greatest problems it's ever faced, ever. So whatever you do, don't be bored, this is absolutely the most exciting time we could have possibly hoped to be alive. And things are just starting."
-From the movie "Waking Life"


2/14- added thing about art.

(3/2- call this a stupid generalization if you want, but I doubt a single person read that essay.)


p.s. if you feel like reading and you are quite bored, here is an essay written by the infamous Henry David Thoreau titled "Civil Disobedience," Here is a little review of it:

(3/2- call this a stupid generalization if you want, but I doubt a single person read that essay.)

"In 'Civil Disobedience' Thoreau discusses the role of the individual in society and government. Starting off with his famous statement, "That government is best which governs not at all," Thoreau waxes philosophic about the role of the United States government in the Mexican War and slavery. Thoreau argues that majorities in a democracy decide what the laws are because they are the strongest element in society. According to Thoreau, what is law is not necessarily right, and just because the majority decides an issue doesn't automatically make that issue palatable to a man's conscience. Individuals can, and sometimes should, oppose the majority, and they can be right even if they are in the minority. Ultimately, if laws are not reliable beacons of truth, one should appeal to one's conscience to decide what is right and wrong. However, merely deciding something is wrong is not enough if that decision is not followed by concrete action. Thoreau criticizes the voting process in this context, since anybody can vote for something. Without action following a decision, voting or supporting something is useless. This essay also contains Thoreau's account of his stay in jail for failure to pay a tax."... Conclusion: read it.


Arthur Hanford: [at dinner] ... So what are your world views, Driscoll?

Paul Driscoll: ...I don't have any, Mr. Hanford.

Hanford: Of course you do, man. We ALL do! Like all this nonsense about giving the Indians land. What we need are twenty General Custers and a hundred thousand men! What we should have done is swept across the prairie, destroying every redskin that stood before us. After that, we should have planted the American flag deep, high and proud!

bigail: I think the country is tired of fighting, Mr.
Hanford. I think we were bled dry by the Indian Wars. I think anything we can accomplish peacefully, with treaties, we should accomplish that way.

Hanford: Now, I trust this isn't the path you spoon-feed your students. Treaties, indeed! Peace, indeed! Why, the virility of a nation is in direct proportion to its military prowess. I LIVE for the day when this country SWEEPS AWAY...
[notices Driscoll's disapproving look]
Hanford: ... You some kind of a pacifist, Driscoll?

Paul Driscoll: No, just some sick idiot who's seen too many boys die because of too many men who fight their battles at dining room tables... and who probably wouldn't last forty-five seconds in a REAL skirmish if they WERE thrust into it.

Hanford: ...I take offense at that remark, Mr. Driscoll!

Paul Driscoll: And I take offense at "armchair warriors," who don't know what a shrapnel, or a bullet, or a saber wound feels like... who've never smelled death after three days on an empty battlefield... who've never seen the look on a man's face when he realizes he's lost a limb or two, and his blood is seeping out. Mr. Hanford, you have a great affinity for "planting the flag deep." But you don't have a nodding acquaintance of what it's like for families to bury their sons in the same soil!

The Twilight Zone is better than I thought...



3/4 - New music ETC.>><>
2/26 - "i don't know"
12/28 - Citizens USA
12/16 - Added Amber.
12/11 - New songs;
12/8 - Put some pictures up.
12/7 - Page added "I Wonder"
12/6 - Rant about Jeans; new link.

|Anti-Copywrite 2004| You may use any of this shit for whatever you want and give credit. Just don't make a profit off of my labor.